Below is a quick and poorly formatted CV. For more information, have a look at the French pdf version.
Research experience
CNRS researcher (chargé de recherche)
ENS de Lyon
Laboratoire de physique
October 2023 — present
Post-doctoral researcher
ENS de Lyon
Laboratoire de physique
Bartolo laboratory
October 2020 — September 2023
PhD student
Sorbonne Université
Laboratoire de physique théorique de la matière condensée
Advisors: Olivier Bénichou & Vincent Démery
September 2017 — September 2020
Visiting researcher
University of Tokyo
Takeuchi laboratory
Collaboration with Kazumasa Takeuchi and Daiki Nishiguchi
October — November 2019
Visiting researcher
University of Oxford
Department of Computer Science
Advisor: Varun Kanade
September 2016 — February 2017
Gulliver laboratory
Advisors: Vincent Démery and Olivier Bénichou
January — June 2016
Courtesy research assistant
University of Oregon
Corwin laboratory
Advisor: Eric Corwin.
ollaborators: Francesco Zamponi, Patrick Charbonneau & Giorgio Parisi.
February — July 2015
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Institut Jean-le-Rond d'Alembert
Advisors: Thomas Séon & Christophe Josserand
July 2014
See the enseignement page in French.
24h of tutorials in Advanced Thermodynamics, 1st year of master at ENS Lyon (Sciences de la matière).
192h (3 years, 64h per year) of tutorials and project supervision, 3rd year of licence, CPES, PSL University.
Tutorials in Statistical Physics. Python programming projects. Library-based projects.
Oral examiner (colleur) at lycée Henri-IV, Paris, Physics and Chemistry (PCSI). 60h.
ENS Paris (2013-2017)
2016 — Master in physics, ICFP Macroscopic physics and complexity. Mention très bien.
2013 — Degree in physics (licence). Mention bien.
Classes préparatoires (2011-2013)
Lycée du parc, Lyon
High school
Lycée du Forez, Feurs
2011 — Baccalauréat, mention très bien.