I am a theoretical physicist. My main research interests are statistical physics, active matter and soft matter.
You can find more more information about my recent works on the
research page or in my list of publications.
I am currently a CNRS researcher (chargé de recherche) in the physics laboratory at ENS de Lyon.
Examples of systems that I study: confined emulsions, loop models applied to active matter, active assemblies, and exclusion models.
More here.
I did my PhD thesis at
LPTMC, Sorbonne Université under the supervision of
Olivier Bénichou and
Vincent Démery (2017-2020).
I then did a postdoc in the
physics laboratory at ENS de Lyon, working with Denis Bartolo (2020-2023).
For more details about me, you may have a look at my CV page
(or at the French pdf version). You can also contact me by email at alexis.poncet[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr