
Hydraulics of active fluids

Loop model
Going from an active fluid in a honeycomb lattice (video: Camille Jorge) to a loop model (the colors show the height function of the model).

  • Active hydraulics laws from frustration principles
    C. Jorge, A. Chardac, A. Poncet & D. Bartolo; Nature Physics (2024)

Non-reciprocal interactions in hydrodynamic media

Left: glide of two dislocations in a crystal with non-reciprocal interactions of angular order n=2. Right: lively polycrystal due to the competition between stabilizing forces and non-reciprocal (n=2) interactions (color = crystal orientation).

  • When soft crystals defy Newton's third law: Non-reciprocal mechanics and dislocation motility; A. Poncet, & D. Bartolo; Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, p. 048002 (2022)
  • Motile dislocations knead odd crystals into whorls; E. Bililign, F. B. Usabiaga, Y. Ganan, A. Poncet, V. Soni, S. Magkiriadou, M. Shelley, D. Bartolo & W. Irvine; Nature Physics (2021)

Correlations in driven systems and active matter

Driven binary mixtureActive Brownian particles
Two models for which we characterized the correlations: a driven binary mixture and an assembly of Active Brownian particles.

Experiment of electrophoretic Janus particles performed during a stay at Takeuchi laboratory, University of Tokyo.

  • Pair correlation of dilute active Brownian particles: From low-activity dipolar correction to high-activity algebraic depletion wings; A. Poncet, O. Bénichou, V. Démery & D. Nishiguchi; Phys. Rev. E 103, p. 012605 (2021)
  • Universal Long Ranged Correlations in Driven Binary Mixtures; A. Poncet, O. Bénichou, V. Démery & G. Oshanin; Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, p. 118002 (2017)

Single-file systems and exclusion models

Two particles driven in opposite directions in a single-file system. Depending on the strength or the drive they remain at finite distance or separate at large time.

  • Generalised correlation profiles in single-file systems; A. Poncet, A. Grabsch, P. Illien & O. Bénichou; Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, p. 220601 (2021)
  • Cumulant generating functions of a tracer in quenched dense symmetric exclusion processes
    A. Poncet, O. Bénichou & P. Illien; Phys. Rev. E 103, p. L040103 (2021)
  • Bath-Mediated Interactions between Driven Tracers in Dense Single-Files; A. Poncet, O. Bénichou, V. Démery & G. Oshanin; Phys. Rev. Research 1, p. 033089 (2019)
  • N-tag probability law of the symmetric exclusion process A. Poncet, O. Bénichou & V. Démery; Phys. Rev. E 97, p. 062119 (2018)
  • Unbinding Transition of Probes in Single-File Systems; O. Bénichou, V. Démery & A. Poncet; Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, p. 070601 (2018)

Glass transition and jamming

Localized low-energy mode
Localized low-energy mode in a packing of spheres above jamming

  • Universal non-Debye scaling in the density of states of amorphous solids; P. Charbonneau , E. Corwin , G. Parisi , A. Poncet & F. Zamponi; Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, p. 045503 (2016)